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Country - Lithuania
Summary - Services For Preparation Of Competence Assessment Tasks Sets For Candidates Seeking To Be The Head Of A State Or Municipal Educational Institution, According To The Updated Methodology
Deadline - Jan 07, 2025
GT reference number - 98706090
Product classification - Services provided by authors
Address - Lithuania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98706090
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The object of the procurement consists of: 2 (two) sets of tasks for the assessment of competences of new applicants seeking to hold the position of head of an educational institution according to the updated methodology, including inter active tasks and remote assessment: 1) 1 (one) set of tasks for assessment in person, consisting of 4 (four) different task packages. 2) 1 (one) set of tasks for assessment in remote assessment, consisting of 4 (four) different task packages.local title:: PRETENDENTŲ, SIEKIANČIŲ EITI VALSTYBINĖS AR SAVIVALDYBĖS ŠVIETIMO ĮSTAIGOS VADOVO PAREIGAS, KOMPETENCIJŲ VERTINIMO UŽDUOČIŲ KOMPLEKTŲ PAGAL ATNAUJINTĄ METODIKĄ PARENGIMO PASLAUGOSC
Gt Ref Id - 98706090
Deadline - Jan 07, 2025
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