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Country - Chile
Summary - Sfr - Hemodynamic Cutting Ball
Deadline - Mar 26, 2025
GT reference number - 104545759
Product classification - Industrial machinery
Address - Chile
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104545759
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The hiring of "hemodniamia cut ball", aims to continuously fulfill the workassistance that has been entrusted to our institution, establishing the conditions that allow reaching themore advantageous combination among all the benefits of the good or service to acquire, and all its associated costs,present and future (art. 37 of the regulation)local title:: SFR - BALON DE CORTE HEMODINAMIAlocal description: : La contratación de "BALON DE CORTE HEMODNIAMIA", tiene por objeto, cumplir de manera continua la laborasistencial que ha sido encomendada a nuestra Institución, estableciendo las condiciones que permitan alcanzar lacombinación más ventajosa entre todos los beneficios del
Gt Ref Id - 104545759
Deadline - Mar 26, 2025
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