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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Ship, Catherine, Special Oils, Liquids And Aviation Fuel Used In Aviation Equipment (Avgad 100Ll)
Deadline - Apr 02, 2025
GT reference number - 103721676
Product classification - Fuels
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103721676
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Ship, Catherine, Special Oils, Liquids And Aviation Fuel Used In Aviation Equipment (Avgad 100Ll)local title:: Gəmi , kater, aviasiya texnikalarında istifadə olunan xüsusi yağlar, mayelər və Aviasiya yanacağı (Avqaz 100LL) lot_ details: 1: Airbenzin Avqas, 2: DEO Caterpillar-15 W 40, 3: Shell-Tellus S2M46 (İso VG-46), 4: Turbin Oil T-46, 5: "PS-4 FULL SYNTHETİCH 4 CYCLE OİL 5 W-50", 6: Shell-Omala HD-320 (S4 GXV 320), 7: Shell-32 - Shell-Gadus S2V32, 8: Shell-tellus S2v68 (İso VG-68), 9: Quick silver 80 W 90, Mercuru, 10: High-Vaccum gun oil, 11: Quick Silver 25 W 40 (4T) (Sitetik) Engineering, 12: At-15 EFO (TAD-17), 13: B-3V, 14: NK-50, 15: MS-20, 1: TS-qip, 2: Am
Gt Ref Id - 103721676
Deadline - Apr 02, 2025
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