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Sigess Values Table

OFICINA DE ESTUDIOS Y POLITICAS AGRARIAS Chile has Released a tender for Sigess Values Table in Services. The tender was released on Feb 25, 2025.

Country - Chile

Summary - Sigess Values Table

Deadline - Mar 31, 2025

GT reference number - 103925859

Product classification - Social work and related services

Organization Details:

  Address - Chile

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 103925859

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Generate a methodological proposal for the design of the securities table, which incorporates mechanisms for indexing of the incentive for each subprogram of the practices bonus instrument, associated with the sustainable management of s oils, which allows its regular adjustment based on the variation of the variation of the costs of its main inputs and territorial realities.local title:: Tabla de Valores SIGESSlocal description: : Generar una propuesta metodológica para el diseño de tabla de valores, que incorpore mecanismos de indexación del incentivo para cada subprograma del instrumento de bonificación de prácticas, asociadas a la gestión sostenible de los suelos, que p

Gt Ref Id - 103925859

Deadline - Mar 31, 2025

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