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Country - Morocco
Summary - Simplified National Open Call For Tenders On Price Offers N° Cmc-Casa-06/2024 For The Acquisition Of Working Materials And Tools Intended For Training At The City Of Trades And Skills Casablanca Settat Divided Into Four Lots: Lot 1: Agriculture Lot 2: Art And Graphic Industry Lot 3: Personal Service Lot 4: Digital And Artificial Intelligence
Deadline - Jan 01, 2025
GT reference number - 99980520
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Morocco
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99980520
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Simplified National Open Call For Tenders On Price Offers N° Cmc-Casa-06/2024 For The Acquisition Of Working Materials And Tools Intended For Training At The City Of Trades And Skills Casablanca Settat Divided Into Four Lots: Lot 1: Ag riculture Lot 2: Art And Graphic Industry Lot 3: Personal Service Lot 4: Digital And Artificial Intelligencelocal title:: Appel d'offres ouvert national simplifié sur offres des prix n° CMC-CASA-06/2024 pour l’acquisition de la matière d’œuvre et d’outillages destinés à la formation à la Cité des Métiers et Compétences Casablanca Settat réparti en quatre lots : Lot 1 : Agriculture Lot 2 : Art et Industrie Graphique Lot 3 : Servic
Gt Ref Id - 99980520
Deadline - Jan 01, 2025
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