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Country - Colombia
Summary - Sports Equipment
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 99026430
Product classification - Field sports equipment
Address - Colombia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99026430
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Purchase order for sports equipment for the entire educational institution; 14 GEGOL micro soccer balls, 4 GEGOL soccer balls, 10 Golty basketball balls, 10 VENTO volleyball balls, 40 23 cm cones, 10 folding mats, 40 jump ropes, 3 coordi nation ladders, 40 50 cm hula hoops, 14 60 cm hula hoopslocal title:: IMPLEMENTOS DEPORTIVOSContract Duration: : 4Díaslocal description: : Orden de Compra de implementos deportivos para toda la institución educativa; 14 Balones micro futbol GEGOL, 4 Balones futbol GEGOL, 10 Balones basketball golty, 10 Balones voleibol VENTO, 40 Conos 23 cm, 10 Colchoneta de doblar, 40 Cuerdas de salto, 3 Escalera de coordinación, 40 Ula ula 50 cm, 14 Ula ula
Gt Ref Id - 99026430
Deadline - Dec 18, 2024
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