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Country - Georgia
Summary - State Procurement Of Various Branded And Advertising Products (Cpv22462000 - Advertising Materials) By Lepl Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Financed By Revenues From Economic Activities, At The Request Of The Public Relations Department
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 103170897
Product classification - Stamps, cheque forms, banknotes, stock certificates, trade advertising material, catalogues and manuals
Address - Georgia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103170897
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Minimum technical specifications of the procurement object or "similar", "equivalent"1. Pen - 4000 piecesBranded, ballpoint pen, mechanical;Material - metal;Body color: two colors - blue (2000 pcs.) and white (2000 pcs.);Ink - blue;Pen l ength - 12-15 cm.;Full-color branding. Screen printing on one side - in the proportions shown on the design;Writing in blue on a white pen, writing in white on a blue pen;Pen decoration - silver metal;On top - black rubber (stylus) for the touch screen;Branding: Blue - #1967B2 (C:89 M:60 Y: 0 K:0);White - #FFFFFF (C:0 M:0 Y: 0 K:0);1 cm from the tip of the pen (down);Width 0.6 mm (if the width of the pen does not exceed 9 mm);Font:firaGO;2. Bag -
Gt Ref Id - 103170897
Deadline - Feb 20, 2025
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