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Stationery And Farm Supplies, Printing Products, Cartridges Filling And Service Service.

AZƏRBAYCAN RESPUBLIKASININ MALIYYƏ NAZIRLIYI YANINDA DOVLƏT XƏZINƏDARLIQ AGENTLIYININ 13 SAYLI REGIONAL XƏZINƏDARLIQ IDARƏSI Azerbaijan has Released a tender for Stationery And Farm Supplies, Printing Products, Cartridges Filling And Service Service. in Industry. The tender was released on Mar 04, 2025.

Country - Azerbaijan

Summary - Stationery And Farm Supplies, Printing Products, Cartridges Filling And Service Service.

Deadline - Mar 18, 2025

GT reference number - 104323764

Product classification - Writing paper

Organization Details:

  Address - Azerbaijan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104323764

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Stationery And Farm Supplies, Printing Products, Cartridges Filling And Service Service.local title:: Dəftərxana və təsərrüfat ləvazimatları,mətbəə məhsulları,kartriclərin doldurulması və servis xidməti. lot_details: 1: Paper A4, 2: Pen roller, 3: For marker note, 4: Pencil Simple, 5: Registered paper, 6: Sticky, 7: Whitening pen (bar pencil), 8: Folder yarn, 9: Transparent file A4, 10: Paper, wire little, 11: Crayon, 12: Violator, 13: Ruler, 14: Wall clock, 15: Calculator, 1: Battery, 2: Envelope A4, 3: Envelope A5, 4: Kartric- Canon FX-10, 5: Kartric HP Lazer Jet CF259XH, 6: Soap dry, 7: Maye soap, 8: Zibil package, 9: The liquid wiped the liquid, 10: Cube Wi

Gt Ref Id - 104323764

Deadline - Mar 18, 2025

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