Most trusted source for Tendering Opportunities and Business Intelligence since 2002
Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Stationery And Household Goods
Deadline - Mar 13, 2025
GT reference number - 104052426
Product classification - Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104052426
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Stationery And Household Goodslocal title:: Dəftərxana və təsərrüfat malları lot_details: 1: Paper A4, 2: Paper A4, 3: Paper A3, 4: Stepler, 5: Clips clamp, 6: Clips clamp, 7: Clips clamp, 8: Clips clamp, 9: Bloknot, 10: Notepad 17x25, 11: Pen, 12: Pen, 13: Pen, 14: Pen, 15: The pen universal, 1: Pencil Simple, 2: Violator, 3: Transparent file A4, 4: Title metal, 5: Barbers, 6: Sticky, 7: Textmarker, 8: Skrepka metal, 9: Telli Dosya A4, 10: Folder Work A4, 11: SIM extract, 12: Sim 24/6, 13: Scotch is small, 14: Chlorine liquid, 15: Gel for plumbing, 1: Hydrochloric acid, 2: Cleaning powder, 3: Cloth to clean the ground, 4: Sponge supplement, 5: The broom, Kakhandaz, 6: F
Gt Ref Id - 104052426
Deadline - Mar 13, 2025
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