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Country - Switzerland
Summary - Step De L'Eparse - Structural Work: Special Works, Earthworks, Reinforced Concrete, Wooden Framework And Wooden Facades
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97638851
Product classification - Sewage work
Address - Switzerland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97638851
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The purpose of this call for tender is to designate a company responsible for the structural work of the new Eparse WWTP as well as the pumping station with rainwater basin in Payerne, which are divided into 3 parts and which will all be carried out by a single company.local title:: STEP de l'EPARSE - Travaux de gros oeuvre: Travaux spéciaux, terrassements, béton armé, charpente bois et façades boisContract Duration: : 1000 Tage nach Vertragsunterzeichnunglocal description: : Cet appel d'offre a pour but de désigner une entreprise en charge des travaux de gros-œuvre de la nouvelle STEP de l’Eparse ainsi que la station de pompage avec bassin d'eau pluviale à Payerne, qui
Gt Ref Id - 97638851
Deadline - Jan 30, 2025
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