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Country - Slovakia
Summary - Sterilizers For The Needs Of Fn Trenčín 33191100-6
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 93205055
Product classification - Steriliser
Address - Slovakia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 93205055
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The subject of the order is the supply of Sterilizers for the needs of the Trenčín National University in the specified quantities in terms of the following parts: 1. Steam sterilizer - 1 pc.; 2. Plasma sterilizer - 1 pc; 3. Hot air st erilizer - 1 pc.A description of the required minimum technical-medical and functional parameters and properties of the subject of the contract is given in Appendix no. 1 tender documents - TŠ and other requirements and Price.notice_title: Sterilizers For The Needs Of Fn Trenčín33191100-6Contract Type: : Goodslocal description: : Predmetom zákazky je dodávka Sterilizátorov pre potreby FN Trenčín v uvedených počtoch v zmysle nasledovnýc
Gt Ref Id - 93205055
Deadline - Oct 15, 2024
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