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Country - France
Summary - Subscription To A Property Damage Insurance Market
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 92912202
Product classification - Damage or loss insurance services
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 92912202
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Subscription to a property damage insurance contract for the needs of the SERM (coordinator) order group, SA3M. This consultation is launched as an open call for tenders, in application of the provisions of Articles L2124-1, L2124-2 and R2124-2 1° of the Public Procurement Code.notice_title: Subscription To A Property Damage Insurance MarketContract Type: : Serviceslocal description: : Souscription d'un marché d'assurance dommages aux biens pour les besoins du groupement de commande SERM (coordinateur), SA3M. La présente consultation est lancée en appel d'offres ouvert, en application des dispositions des articles L2124-1, L2124-2 et R2124-2 1° du Code de la Commande Publiq
Gt Ref Id - 92912202
Deadline - Oct 13, 2024
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