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Country - France
Summary - Subscription To The Insurance Contracts Of The Sncf Provident And Retirement Fund And The Pension And Provident Fund For Clerks And Notary Employees
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 73327897
Product classification - Property insurance services
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 73327897
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - The services, subject of this framework agreement, concern the subscription of insurance contracts for the SNCF Staff Provident and Retirement Fund (CPRPRSNCF) and the Retirement and Provident Fund for clerks and notary employees ( CRPCEN).It is ente red into the form of an allotment framework agreement executed by purchase orders with no minimum amount and with a maximum amount, over the total duration including all renewals, of 120,000euro(s) for lot 1 'Insurance All computer risks and machine breakdowns' and 20,000 for lot 2 'Automotive insurance and related risks (including self-missions)'Each member of the group will issue a purchase order per lot.
Gt Ref Id - 73327897
Deadline - Nov 17, 2023
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