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Successive Supply Of Conventional Foods And Foods From Quality Schemes

OSNOVNA SOLA PIVKA Slovenia has Released a tender for Successive Supply Of Conventional Foods And Foods From Quality Schemes in Food and Beverages. The tender was released on Nov 09, 2024.

Country - Slovenia

Summary - Successive Supply Of Conventional Foods And Foods From Quality Schemes

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 97251420

Product classification - Food, beverages, tobacco and related products

Organization Details:

  Address - Slovenia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 97251420

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Successive supply of conventional foods and foods from quality schemeslocal title:: Sukcesivna dobava konvencionalnih živil in živil iz shem kakovostiContract Duration: : 2 YEARContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Sukcesivna dob ava konvencionalnih živil in živil iz shem kakovosti category: supplies lot_details: 1: MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS, 2: MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS, PATES, 3: POULTRY MEAT AND PRODUCTS, 4: FRESH FISH AND FISH PATES, 5: EGGS, 6: FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, 7: CANNED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, 8: DRINK AND FRUIT SLICES, 9: CEREALS AND MILL PRODUCTS, 10: FROZEN DOUGH PRODUCTS, FROZEN VEGETABLES, 11: BREAD AND PASTRY, 12: CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS, 13: BISCUIT, 14: OTH

Gt Ref Id - 97251420

Deadline - Nov 21, 2024

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