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Country - Kenya
Summary - Supply and delivery of pharmaceuticals, Non-pharmaceuticals & lab Reagents for various health facilities.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 69165802
Product classification - Pharmaceutical products
Address - Kenya
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 69165802
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - REPUBLIC OF KENYACOUNTY GOVERNMENT OF BOMET DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING RE: REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIERS FOR THE FY 2023/2025.The County Government of Bomet intends to Renew its list of Registered suppliers, serviceproviders and contract ors for the FY 2023/25 in the following listed categories. The Registrationrequirements with the tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from the CountyGovernment of Bomet website, suppliers’ portal(PPIP). Thecategories are as listed below:REGISTRATIONTENDER NO.:CATEGORY DESCRIPTION PREFEREDGROUPCGB /1/2023-2025 Supply and delivery of General office supplies i.e.stationery,catridges,toners, ict equipment’s and oth
Gt Ref Id - 69165802
Deadline - Jul 28, 2023
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