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Country - Australia
Summary - Supply And Delivery Of Reinforced Concrete Pipes And Culverts For Glasshouse Mountains Road (Steve Irwin Way) Safety Improvements And Pavement Rehabilitation.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 78394793
Product classification - Structural products and parts except prefabricated buildings
Address - Australia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 78394793
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - The Department of Transport and Main Roads, North Coast Region, requires the supply and delivery of reinforced concrete pipes and culverts for Glasshouse Mountains Road (Steve Irwin Way) safety improvements and pavement rehabilitation. TMR registered suppliers for precast concrete pipes and box culverts are invited to tender. Manufacture of goods to be in accordance with the following specifications MRTS03 (July 2021), MRTS 04 (Jul 17) and MRTS 25 (Jan 2018). If you do not meet these specifications and standards, your submission will be considered non-conforming.For detailed information on the specific goods / services sought under this tender, please review the "Specification Documents" in
Gt Ref Id - 78394793
Deadline - Mar 01, 2024
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