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Supply and delivery of utensils

LUGARI DIPLOMA TEACHERS TRAINING COLLEGE Kenya has Released a tender for Supply and delivery of utensils in Industry. The tender was released on May 16, 2023.

Country - Kenya

Summary - Supply and delivery of utensils

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 66109286

Product classification - Cooking utensils

Organization Details:

  Address - Kenya

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 66109286

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Buyer :LUGARI DIPLOMA TEACHERS TRAINING COLLEGE Subject :Supply and delivery of utensilsClosing date : 29/05/2023AT 10.00AMLUGARI DIPLOMA TEACHERS TRAINING COLLEGEP.O BOX 229 – 50241, Tel: 0718120187 EMAIL: lugaridttc@gmail.comKIPKARREN RIVER. Webs ite: FINANCIAL YEARTENDER DOCUMENTSFORPROCUREMENT OF GOODS, SERVICES ANDWORKSDATE OF NOTICE…………15/05/2023CLOSING DATE…………….29/05/2023AT 10.00AMLUGARI DIPLOMA TEACHERS TRAINING COLLEGETENDER INVITATION NOTICEThe College invites sealed tenders and registration documents from eligible and competentbidders for the Financial Period 2023/2024 in the following categories:-Reserved means-Women, Youth, and p

Gt Ref Id - 66109286

Deadline - May 29, 2023

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