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Country - Spain
Summary - Supply And Installation For The Renovation Of The Artificial Turf Surface Of Two 90X50 11-A-Side Football Pitches And One 50X30 7-A-Side Football Pitch And Equipment For Goals, Benches, Complete Protectors For The Perimeter Fence, Ball Nets, And Reinforcement Of The F11 Ronda Del Prado Lighting Located In The Municipal Sports Centre At Paseo Ronda Del Prado 44 And Abogados De Atocha. 2 Lots.
Deadline - Oct 30, 2025
GT reference number - 96617018
Product classification - Artificial lawn
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 96617018
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Supply and installation for the renovation of the artificial turf surface of two 90x50 11-a-side football pitches and one 50x30 7-a-side football pitch and equipment for goals, benches, complete protectors for the perimeter fence, ball n ets, and reinforcement of the F11 Ronda del Prado lighting located in the municipal sports centre at Paseo Ronda del Prado 44 and Abogados de Atocha. 2 Lots.local title:: Suministro en instalación para la renovación del pavimento de césped artificial de dos campos de fútbol 11 90x50 y un campo de fútbol 7 50x30 y equipamiento de porterías, banquillos, protectores completos para la valla perimetral, redes parabalones, y refuerzo de la ilumin
Gt Ref Id - 96617018
Deadline - Oct 30, 2025
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