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rrSfrtUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN GOVERNMENT (An Autonomous Body Constituted by tlte Govetnment of Ketala) e-rnail : imgtvpm@gmail. conl 'l'clcphonc:047 1 230422t) trax: (1471- 230211)1 Vikas Bhavan P.O. Thiruvan anthaPuram No.e-2628 5 I A212023IIMG 0s104123 SHO TEND NOTI Institute of Management in Government, Thiruvananthapuram invites Sealed competitive Tenders from prospective supplier:jivendors for the o' Supply and Installation of Class Room Tables , Podium,and Racks as per the specifications cletailed in the Annexure IV enclosed' lnterested bidders can download the tender clocutnents from the IMG's website wwltiitrrgJtelal4€a\,j]]- fror$Q I I 4 12023' Tentler reference No. I-262851A21202311MG Date of commencement of issue of tender documents - 05'04'2023 Last date tbr submission of tender documents - 24'04'2023 Date of Opening of tender 25'04'2023 Approximate cost Rs' 4'5 Lakh Tender fee Rs' 900 +GST The sealed envelopes containing the tender sllail be superscribed as Tender for ,osuppty and lnstatlatjon of Class Room Tables. Podium and Racks "should be sent to the Secretary, IMG, Vikas Bhavan P.O, Thirllvananthapuram 695033 so as to reach before 5.0OpM on 24.04.2023. Late tenders rvill not be accepted. Ihe tender will be opened at on 25.04.2023. The rates c'lrroted should be inclusive ol'all taxes applicable arrd the delivery and installation chare,-'s. Tender will be opened in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized represcrt',1',rtives on the same day. 'Ihey shall submit the proof of identit ,t,lauthorization letter al ihe time of opening. Tender should be accompanied by EMD ( 1.5'/'o of total tender value) and tender fee of Rs.900+GST in the form of DD ilrau,'n in favor of the IMG. ThiruvananlhaPuram The selected bidder should deliver a sample il'em to this office lbr approval. The successful bidder have to procluce a security il :L;.;sit equal to 5% of the total quoted value. Delivery of the article should be macle iii lree of cost to the Institute of' N{u.nug.*ent in Governrnent, Thiruvananthapuram r,r'itl:,itr 10 days trom the receipt of supply order. ra/ment will be made only after successll-ll installatior': ol'Tables,Podium and Racks in the nelv class rooms. The Director IMG rnill have all the rights to scrept or reject any lall tenders without assigning any reason' ' sd/- Bob"' Antonv 'r ' ' Seoretarv for issue , "-r.'' Terms and Conditions 1. The tenderer/bidder should be a registered company under Companies Act, 2013 or Proprietorship/partnership firm with at least 1 (one) year experience on the date of the submission of the tender. 2. Bidders are required to furnish an EMD amount equal to 2.5"h of total tender value and tender fee of Rs.900+GST in the form of DD drawn in favour of the IMG, Thiruvananthapuram. Earnest money deposit of unsuccessful bidders will be fefunded. 3. The tenderer / Bidder whose tender is accepted by IMG shall be required to give a security deposit for faithful performance of the 'lender. The total amount of securitv deposit shall be 5o/o of the bid amount. The FIMD and the security amount will not bear any interest. 4. The tenderers / bidders shall quote rates inclusive of all taxes including GST applicable and the delivery/ installation charges etc. of each item specified in Annexure IV. Details required in the Annexures I, II, III shall also furnished along with the tender. 5. The bidder must possess the requisite experience, strength and capabilities in providing the services necessary to meet the requirements for providing the Suppl"1, of Tables. podium and racks and its installation sorrght by the IMG. Copy of the address proof. 6. The successful bidder shall enter into a contract with IMG incorporating all the clauses of tender . The selected bidder shall indicate tlle authorized signatory ie who can discuss and correspond with the IMG regarding the terms and conditions under the contract 7. Selected bidder should provide a sample of the item to IMG, Thiruvananthapurarn Office, and supply order will be issued only afler physical acceptance of that sample. Copy of the authorized certificates The bidder must be a registered company under Companies Act, 2013 or Proprietorship/partner:ship firm with least 1 (one) year experience on ttre date of the submission of the tender. Bidders rvith Support Centre and project office based in Trivandrum would be preferred. B. The Delivery and installation will be completed within 10 days from the date of placement of the work order (The completc sets of manuals & licenses shall be delivered together rvith the iterns. Warranty of the products and after sale service should be clearly stated in the tender) Eligibili, Crit€ria Docurnents Submitted lr -3- g. Payment on the supplied goods and services shall be made after supply' physical acceptance, su.c"siful installation, etc. of the goods ' Partial delivery of products is not accePtable ' l0.payments will 6" *ua. promptly by the IMG, within 15 days after submission of an invoice o, ,"qr.ri for payment by the bidder, subject to fulfilling the above conditions. 11.No advance payment shall be permitted under any reason whatsoever' IMG rvill release the payments, on receipt of bill or undisputed relevant documents' 12.IMG will have all the right to accept or reject any lall bids without assigning any reason. 15. The tender will be cancelled if the progress regarding execution of the contract made by the selected Bidder is iouna to be unsatisfactory or the selected Bidder commits a breach of aly of the terms and conditions of the Tender/contract. For any sort of clarification regarding the tender process, an e- mail may be sent to irngtvpn](0)grna |