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Country - Spain
Summary - Supply And Installation Of Elements For The Environmental Recovery And Sustainable Use Of The Beaches Of Motrill Is Divided Into Lot 1: Supply And Installation Of Toilets And Shadow Modules. Lot 2: Supply And Installation Of Articulated Catwalks
Deadline - Mar 14, 2025
GT reference number - 104102621
Product classification - Urban furniture
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104102621
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Supply and installation of elements for the environmental recovery and sustainable use of the beaches of Motrill is divided into lot 1: supply and installation of toilets and shadow modules. Lot 2: Supply and installation of articulated catwalkslocal title:: Suministro e instalacion de elementos para la recuperacion ambiental y uso sostenible de las Playas de MotrilL Se divide en Lote 1: Suministro e instalación de módulos de aseos y sombra. Lote 2: Suministro e instalación de pasarelas articuladasContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Suministro e instalacion de elementos para la recuperacion ambiental y uso sostenible de las Playas de MotrilL Se divide en Lote 1: Sumin
Gt Ref Id - 104102621
Deadline - Mar 14, 2025
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