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Country - Philippines
Summary - Supply & Delivery Of 1 Unit Concrete Cuter 13Hp - Gasoline With Blade Included With Technical Specs. & Requirements
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97915033
Product classification - Construction machinery and equipment
Address - Philippines
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97915033
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: SAN PABLO CITY WATER DISTRICTSan Pablo CityTelefax: (049) 503-0075 Email Address: spcwd_bac@yahoo.comREQUEST FOR PRICE QUOTATIONAGD - 099 - 0 November 18, 2024Contract No. 2024-310REFERENCE PR No. : 12515Date : 11-14-2024SUPPLIER :ADDRES S :TIN No. :SEALED PROPOSAL for the following item(s) must be received by the SAN PABLO CITY WATER DISTRICTnot later than :Date : November 25, 2024Time : 2:00 p.m.Note: Please re-fax this form with signature stating the reason if not participating.ITEM No. DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT COST TOTAL Approved Budget1 Concrete Cuter 13HP - Gasoline with 1 set 97,500.00Blade IncludedTechnical Specifications;- Model = HCC-14-EY20- Cut Depth Inch = 3 to 6 inches
Gt Ref Id - 97915033
Deadline - Nov 25, 2024
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