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Country - France
Summary - Supply Market For Bare Copper Wires And Cables And Low Voltage Insulated Tie Wires
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 95115932
Product classification - Low-voltage cable
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 95115932
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The purpose of the contract is the supply of bare copper wires and cables and low-voltage insulated tie wires for the performance of work on the network operated by Enedis. The contract is divided into 2 lots: lot 1 for the supply of bar e copper wires and cables and lot 2 for the supply of tie wires. EDF SEI may benefit, if it wishes and at its first request, from the commercial conditions of the contract(s) awarded by Enedis, via a clause stipulating for others inserted in the contract(s). Electricité de Strasbourg may benefit, if it wishes and at its first request, from the commercial conditions of the contract(s) awarded by Enedis, via a clause stipulating for others inserte
Gt Ref Id - 95115932
Deadline - Nov 08, 2024
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