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Country - Spain
Summary - Supply Of A High-Performance Surgical Arch, With Motorized Orbital Rotation Movements And 2D And 3D Image Acquisition For The Traumatology Service Of The Doctor Balmis General University Hospital In Alicante
Deadline - Jan 07, 2025
GT reference number - 98708040
Product classification - Radiodiagnostic devices
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98708040
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Supply of a high-performance surgical arch, with motorized orbital rotation movements and 2D and 3D image acquisition for the traumatology service of the Doctor Balmis General University Hospital in Alicantelocal title:: Suministro de un arco quirúrgico de altas prestaciones, con movimientos de rotación orbital motorizada y adquisición de imágenes en 2d y en 3d para el servicio de traumatología del Hospital General universitario Doctor Balmis de AlicanteContract Duration: : 20 DAYContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Suministro de un arco quirúrgico de altas prestaciones, con movimientos de rotación orbital motorizada y adquisición de imágenes en 2d y en 3d para e
Gt Ref Id - 98708040
Deadline - Jan 07, 2025
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