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Country - Colombia
Summary - Supply Of Acpm Filters And Fuels And Other Petrolool Derivatives (Oils, Additives, Filters And Others) To The Different Vehicles Of The Public Force That P
Deadline - Mar 26, 2025
GT reference number - 104847894
Product classification - Diesel fuel
Address - Colombia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104847894
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: A must -type filter and fuel supply and other oil derivatives (oils, additives, filters and others) bound for the different public force vehicles that serve the municipality of San Rafael in the Program for the Promotion of Citizen Coexi stencelocal title:: SUMINISTRO DE FILTROS Y COMBUSTIBLE TIPO ACPM Y GASOLINA CORRIENTE Y DEMÁS DERIVADOS DEL PETRÓLEO (ACEITES, ADITIVOS, FILTROS Y DEMÁS) CON DESTINO A LOS DIFERENTES VEHÍCULOS DE LA FUERZA PUBLICA QUE PContract Duration: : 230DíasContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : SUMINISTRO DE FILTROS Y COMBUSTIBLE TIPO ACPM Y GASOLINA CORRIENTE Y DEMÁS DERIVADOS DEL PETRÓLEO (ACEITES, ADITIVOS, FILTROS Y DEMÁS) CON DESTINO A L
Gt Ref Id - 104847894
Deadline - Mar 26, 2025
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