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Country - Panama
Summary - Supply Of Agrochemicals For The Green Areas Of Tocumen International Airport And Regional Airports.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 101435463
Product classification - Agricultural and horticultural products
Address - Panama
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 101435463
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: SUPPLY OF AGROCHEMICALS FOR THE GREEN AREAS OF TOCUMEN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND REGIONAL AIRPORTS.local title:: SUMINISTRO DE AGROQUÍMICOS PARA LAS ÁREAS VERDES DEL AEROPUERTO INTERNACINAL DE TOCUMEN Y AEROPUERTOS REGIONALES.Contract Type: : Supplylocal description: : SUMINISTRO DE AGROQUÍMICOS PARA LAS ÁREAS VERDES DEL AEROPUERTO INTERNACINAL DE TOCUMEN Y AEROPUERTOS REGIONALES. category: Herbicida de malezas,Insecticidas,Insecticidas,Aditivos ácidos,Insecticidas lot_details: 1: Herbicida de malezas, 2: Insecticidas, 3: Insecticidas, 4: Aditivos ácidos, 5: Insecticidas
Gt Ref Id - 101435463
Deadline - Jan 29, 2025
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