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Country - Chile
Summary - Supply Of Cleaners And Floor Mainformers
Deadline - Mar 19, 2025
GT reference number - 104919513
Product classification - Cleaning compounds
Address - Chile
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104919513
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The Dr. Philippe Pinel psychiatric hospital will tender the supply of cleaners and floors of floors for a period of 2 years, or the equivalent in months that does not exceed 100 UTM., Counted from the date of its subscription. The bidder must indicate on the portal the net value (national currency), including in said offer all products.local title:: Suministro de Limpiadores y Mantenedores de pisoslocal description: : El Hospital Psiquiátrico Dr. Philippe Pinel, licitará el Suministro de Limpiadores y Mantenedores de pisos por un periodo de 2 años, o el equivalente en meses que no supere las 100 UTM., contados desde la fecha de su suscripción. El oferen
Gt Ref Id - 104919513
Deadline - Mar 19, 2025
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