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Country - France
Summary - Supply Of Fuel In 2 Batches Over 4 Years.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 90042687
Product classification - Diesel fuel
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 90042687
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: This is a single-award framework agreement with purchase orders in 2 lots, with no annual minimum and an annual maximum of orders, without re-tendering when awarding the purchase orders and placed within the framework of the provisions o f Articles R.2162-1 to R.2162-6 - R.2162-13 and R.2162-14 of the Public Procurement Code.This consultation is launched with a view to acquiring various road fuels (unleaded petrol 95, 95-E10, 98, diesel, etc.) for the vehicles in the City's fleet (lot no. 1), and non-road fuel (non-road diesel: GNR) for the motor vehicles of the technical services - lawnmowers, tractors, mowers, backhoe loaders, etc. - (lot no. 2).These contracts include the purc
Gt Ref Id - 90042687
Deadline - Sep 06, 2024
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