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Country - Chile
Summary - Supply Of Inhalers For Asthma And R Rinitis Of F
Deadline - Mar 27, 2025
GT reference number - 104630881
Product classification - Pharmaceutical products
Address - Chile
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104630881
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Dr. Exequiel González Cortés Hospital, hereinafter and interchangeably the "Hospital", calls for public tender for supply of inhalers for asthma and rhinitis.The principal of this tender is the Dr. Exequiel González Cortés Hospital, whose domicile for all legal purposes of this call is a great avenue José Miguel Carrera N ° 3,300, commune of San Miguel, Santiago de Chile, represented by its director, Dr. Inés Araneda Aranda, hereinafter the director.local title:: SUMINISTRO DE INHALADORES PARA ASMA Y RINITIS DE Flocal description: : El Hospital Dr. Exequiel González Cortés, en adelante e indistintamente el “Hospital”, llama a licitación pública para el suministro
Gt Ref Id - 104630881
Deadline - Mar 27, 2025
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