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Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 5%, 20g Tube\nBenzoyl peroxide gel BP 5%,20g tube\nEach 20g collapsible tube to contain Hydrous\nBenzoyl peroxide equivalent to 5%(w/w) of\nbenzoyl peroxide BP in suitable water-soluble\nbasis.\nOR\nBenzoyl peroxide gel USP 5%,20g tube\nEach 20g collapsible tube to contain 5%(w/w)of\nBenzoyl peroxide USP in suitable gel base\nNote:\n1.This product should be stable for a minimum of\n24 months when stored at a temperature range\nof 28'C - 32'C.\n2.Each tube should be labeled accordingly.\n3.Each collapsible tubes should be printed, air\ntight in printed cartoons.\nPacking : One Tube etc .

STATE PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION OF SRI LANKA Sri Lanka has Released a tender for Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 5%, 20g Tube\nBenzoyl peroxide gel BP 5%,20g tube\nEach 20g collapsible tube to contain Hydrous\nBenzoyl peroxide equivalent to 5%(w/w) of\nbenzoyl peroxide BP in suitable water-soluble\nbasis.\nOR\nBenzoyl peroxide gel USP 5%,20g tube\nEach 20g collapsible tube to contain 5%(w/w)of\nBenzoyl peroxide USP in suitable gel base\nNote:\n1.This product should be stable for a minimum of\n24 months when stored at a temperature range\nof 28'C - 32'C.\n2.Each tube should be labeled accordingly.\n3.Each collapsible tubes should be printed, air\ntight in printed cartoons.\nPacking : One Tube etc . in Pharmaceuticals. The tender was released on Feb 19, 2025.

Country - Sri Lanka

Summary - Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 5%, 20g Tube\nBenzoyl peroxide gel BP 5%,20g tube\nEach 20g collapsible tube to contain Hydrous\nBenzoyl peroxide equivalent to 5%(w/w) of\nbenzoyl peroxide BP in suitable water-soluble\nbasis.\nOR\nBenzoyl peroxide gel USP 5%,20g tube\nEach 20g collapsible tube to contain 5%(w/w)of\nBenzoyl peroxide USP in suitable gel base\nNote:\n1.This product should be stable for a minimum of\n24 months when stored at a temperature range\nof 28'C - 32'C.\n2.Each tube should be labeled accordingly.\n3.Each collapsible tubes should be printed, air\ntight in printed cartoons.\nPacking : One Tube etc .

Deadline - Apr 02, 2025

GT reference number - 103595723

Product classification - Pharmaceutical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Sri Lanka

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 103595723

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 5%, 20g Tube\nBenzoyl peroxide gel BP 5%,20g tube\nEach 20g collapsible tube to contain Hydrous\nBenzoyl peroxide equivalent to 5%(w/w) of\nbenzoyl peroxide BP i n suitable water-soluble\nbasis.\nOR\nBenzoyl peroxide gel USP 5%,20g tube\nEach 20g collapsible tube to contain 5%(w/w)of\nBenzoyl peroxide USP in suitable gel base\nNote:\n1.This product should be stable for a minimum of\n24 months when stored at a temperature range\nof 28'C - 32'C.\n2.Each tube should be labeled accordingly.\n3.Each collapsible tubes should be printed, air\ntight in printed cartoons.\nPacking : One Tube etc .local title:: Supp

Gt Ref Id - 103595723

Deadline - Apr 02, 2025

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