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Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution 300mcg/ml,\n3ml dropper Bottle\nBimatoprost ophthalmic Solution 300mcg/ml, 3ml\ndropper bottle\nEach 3ml dropper bottle to contain 300mcg/ml of\nBimatoprost for ophthalmic use\nNote:\n01.The tamper - evident container (dropper\nbottle) should assure the sterility of the product.\n02.The shelf life of the product should be\nminimum of 24 months\n03.Each dropper bottle should be labelled\naccordingly\n04.Product should be individually packed in light\nresistant boxes/cartons with a leaflet.\nPacking : 1 vial etc .

STATE PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION OF SRI LANKA Sri Lanka has Released a tender for Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution 300mcg/ml,\n3ml dropper Bottle\nBimatoprost ophthalmic Solution 300mcg/ml, 3ml\ndropper bottle\nEach 3ml dropper bottle to contain 300mcg/ml of\nBimatoprost for ophthalmic use\nNote:\n01.The tamper - evident container (dropper\nbottle) should assure the sterility of the product.\n02.The shelf life of the product should be\nminimum of 24 months\n03.Each dropper bottle should be labelled\naccordingly\n04.Product should be individually packed in light\nresistant boxes/cartons with a leaflet.\nPacking : 1 vial etc . in Pharmaceuticals. The tender was released on Feb 26, 2025.

Country - Sri Lanka

Summary - Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution 300mcg/ml,\n3ml dropper Bottle\nBimatoprost ophthalmic Solution 300mcg/ml, 3ml\ndropper bottle\nEach 3ml dropper bottle to contain 300mcg/ml of\nBimatoprost for ophthalmic use\nNote:\n01.The tamper - evident container (dropper\nbottle) should assure the sterility of the product.\n02.The shelf life of the product should be\nminimum of 24 months\n03.Each dropper bottle should be labelled\naccordingly\n04.Product should be individually packed in light\nresistant boxes/cartons with a leaflet.\nPacking : 1 vial etc .

Deadline - Apr 08, 2025

GT reference number - 104019786

Product classification - Pharmaceutical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Sri Lanka

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104019786

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution 300mcg/ml,\n3ml dropper Bottle\nBimatoprost ophthalmic Solution 300mcg/ml, 3ml\ndropper bottle\nEach 3ml dropper bottle to contain 300mcg/ml of\nBimat oprost for ophthalmic use\nNote:\n01.The tamper - evident container (dropper\nbottle) should assure the sterility of the product.\n02.The shelf life of the product should be\nminimum of 24 months\n03.Each dropper bottle should be labelled\naccordingly\n04.Product should be individually packed in light\nresistant boxes/cartons with a leaflet.\nPacking : 1 vial etc .local title:: Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Bimatoprost Op

Gt Ref Id - 104019786

Deadline - Apr 08, 2025

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