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Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Antirabis inactivated issued culture vaccine\nfor animal use in 10 dose vial\nAntirabies inactivated tissue culture vaccine for\nanimal use in 10 dose vial\nNote:\n1.Must be an inactivated Tissue Culture Vaccine\ncontaining OIE recommended vaccine strain\n(inactivation procedure, adjuvant and\npreservatives/excipients used in the vaccine\nshould be mentioned).\n2.Potency should be equal to or more than 1 IU\nper dose.\n3.Each consignment should have a minimum\nremaining shelf life of 75% at the time of\nreceiving the consignment at MSD.\n4.Must be in 10 Dose Vials.\n5.Must provide protective immunity for a period of\n03 years in vaccinated animals.\n6.The product must be registered at the\nVeterinary Drug Control Authority of the\nDepartment of Animal Production and Health of\nSri Lanka.\n7.A detailed, set of literature of recent studies\n(within the past 03 years) to illustrate the efficacy\nof the relevant vaccine brand in the target\nspecies, especially dogs (sample size should be\nmore than 25 dogs), must be submitted.\n8.All new offers which do not have past\nexperience for use in mass vaccination\nprogram/s against Rabies in Sri Lanka should\nprove the efficacy of the vaccine through a field\nserological study conducted at a WHO/OIE\nreference laboratory.\n9.Performance record : Performance guarantee\nshould be submitted to prove that the product\nhas been sold to use in mass vaccination\nprograms with a minimum of 500,000 doses in a\nsingle consignment at least twice in the past 5\nyears in rabies endemic countries (other than the\ncountry of manufacture of the vaccine).\n10.Vaccine should be transported at the\ntemperature range of 2'- 8'c .\n11.Sticker should be provided for each dose\n(Label with vaccine brand name, batch no and\nexpiry date).\n12.Certificate of GMP of the manufacturer as\nstipulated by WHO ? OIE must be provided.\n13.Product with past complaints or failures will\nnot be considered.\n1

STATE PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION OF SRI LANKA Sri Lanka has Released a tender for Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Antirabis inactivated issued culture vaccine\nfor animal use in 10 dose vial\nAntirabies inactivated tissue culture vaccine for\nanimal use in 10 dose vial\nNote:\n1.Must be an inactivated Tissue Culture Vaccine\ncontaining OIE recommended vaccine strain\n(inactivation procedure, adjuvant and\npreservatives/excipients used in the vaccine\nshould be mentioned).\n2.Potency should be equal to or more than 1 IU\nper dose.\n3.Each consignment should have a minimum\nremaining shelf life of 75% at the time of\nreceiving the consignment at MSD.\n4.Must be in 10 Dose Vials.\n5.Must provide protective immunity for a period of\n03 years in vaccinated animals.\n6.The product must be registered at the\nVeterinary Drug Control Authority of the\nDepartment of Animal Production and Health of\nSri Lanka.\n7.A detailed, set of literature of recent studies\n(within the past 03 years) to illustrate the efficacy\nof the relevant vaccine brand in the target\nspecies, especially dogs (sample size should be\nmore than 25 dogs), must be submitted.\n8.All new offers which do not have past\nexperience for use in mass vaccination\nprogram/s against Rabies in Sri Lanka should\nprove the efficacy of the vaccine through a field\nserological study conducted at a WHO/OIE\nreference laboratory.\n9.Performance record : Performance guarantee\nshould be submitted to prove that the product\nhas been sold to use in mass vaccination\nprograms with a minimum of 500,000 doses in a\nsingle consignment at least twice in the past 5\nyears in rabies endemic countries (other than the\ncountry of manufacture of the vaccine).\n10.Vaccine should be transported at the\ntemperature range of 2'- 8'c .\n11.Sticker should be provided for each dose\n(Label with vaccine brand name, batch no and\nexpiry date).\n12.Certificate of GMP of the manufacturer as\nstipulated by WHO ? OIE must be provided.\n13.Product with past complaints or failures will\nnot be considered.\n1 in Pharmaceuticals. The tender was released on Feb 26, 2025.

Country - Sri Lanka

Summary - Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Antirabis inactivated issued culture vaccine\nfor animal use in 10 dose vial\nAntirabies inactivated tissue culture vaccine for\nanimal use in 10 dose vial\nNote:\n1.Must be an inactivated Tissue Culture Vaccine\ncontaining OIE recommended vaccine strain\n(inactivation procedure, adjuvant and\npreservatives/excipients used in the vaccine\nshould be mentioned).\n2.Potency should be equal to or more than 1 IU\nper dose.\n3.Each consignment should have a minimum\nremaining shelf life of 75% at the time of\nreceiving the consignment at MSD.\n4.Must be in 10 Dose Vials.\n5.Must provide protective immunity for a period of\n03 years in vaccinated animals.\n6.The product must be registered at the\nVeterinary Drug Control Authority of the\nDepartment of Animal Production and Health of\nSri Lanka.\n7.A detailed, set of literature of recent studies\n(within the past 03 years) to illustrate the efficacy\nof the relevant vaccine brand in the target\nspecies, especially dogs (sample size should be\nmore than 25 dogs), must be submitted.\n8.All new offers which do not have past\nexperience for use in mass vaccination\nprogram/s against Rabies in Sri Lanka should\nprove the efficacy of the vaccine through a field\nserological study conducted at a WHO/OIE\nreference laboratory.\n9.Performance record : Performance guarantee\nshould be submitted to prove that the product\nhas been sold to use in mass vaccination\nprograms with a minimum of 500,000 doses in a\nsingle consignment at least twice in the past 5\nyears in rabies endemic countries (other than the\ncountry of manufacture of the vaccine).\n10.Vaccine should be transported at the\ntemperature range of 2'- 8'c .\n11.Sticker should be provided for each dose\n(Label with vaccine brand name, batch no and\nexpiry date).\n12.Certificate of GMP of the manufacturer as\nstipulated by WHO ? OIE must be provided.\n13.Product with past complaints or failures will\nnot be considered.\n1

Deadline - Apr 08, 2025

GT reference number - 104019810

Product classification - Pharmaceutical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Sri Lanka

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104019810

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Antirabis inactivated issued culture vaccine\nfor animal use in 10 dose vial\nAntirabies inactivated tissue culture vaccine for\nanimal use in 10 dose vial\nNote:\n1.Must be an inact ivated Tissue Culture Vaccine\ncontaining OIE recommended vaccine strain\n(inactivation procedure, adjuvant and\npreservatives/excipients used in the vaccine\nshould be mentioned).\n2.Potency should be equal to or more than 1 IU\nper dose.\n3.Each consignment should have a minimum\nremaining shelf life of 75% at the time of\nreceiving the consignment at MSD.\n4.Must be in 10 Dose Vials.\n5.Must provide protective immunity for a period of\n03 year

Gt Ref Id - 104019810

Deadline - Apr 08, 2025

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