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Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Each sterile pack should contain a\n"T"shaped Copper IUD with\nthreads'insertion tube, a movable flange\nand plunger ( insertion rod)\nThe dimensions and requirements for the\nfinished product should conform to the\nspecifications of The Population Council,\nNew York or comply with ISO 7439:2002\nor current version.\nThe IUD should be manufactured from\napproved raw material of US/European\norigin.\nThe "T" Shaped plastic frame should have\napproximately 176 mg copper wire on its\nvertical arm. In addition ,a copper sleeve\ncontaining apprximately 66.5 mg\ncopper should be on each horizontal\narm.Total surface area of Copper on the\ndevice should be 380mm2\nThe thread should be made of good quality\nmaterial. The thread knot at the\nbottom end of the IUD should be secure\nand not promote breakage under normal\nuse.\nThe insertion rod should snugly fit ( not fall\nout spontaneously) but slide smoothly\nwithin the insertion tube and should not\ntrap the thread.\nThe movable flange ( depth -gauge) should\nbe of blue colour and should be easily\nadjestable ( not too tight)\nThe IUD should be stable under nomal\nroom temperature (30C-35C) and humidity\n(75% 100%) prevaling in Sri Lanka.\nThe IUD pack should not be easily\ndamaged by heat, sunlight, water,\nmoisture, mechanical shocks and insects.\nThe expiry date should not be less than 7\nyears from the date of manufacture. etc .

STATE PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION OF SRI LANKA Sri Lanka has Released a tender for Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Each sterile pack should contain a\n"T"shaped Copper IUD with\nthreads'insertion tube, a movable flange\nand plunger ( insertion rod)\nThe dimensions and requirements for the\nfinished product should conform to the\nspecifications of The Population Council,\nNew York or comply with ISO 7439:2002\nor current version.\nThe IUD should be manufactured from\napproved raw material of US/European\norigin.\nThe "T" Shaped plastic frame should have\napproximately 176 mg copper wire on its\nvertical arm. In addition ,a copper sleeve\ncontaining apprximately 66.5 mg\ncopper should be on each horizontal\narm.Total surface area of Copper on the\ndevice should be 380mm2\nThe thread should be made of good quality\nmaterial. The thread knot at the\nbottom end of the IUD should be secure\nand not promote breakage under normal\nuse.\nThe insertion rod should snugly fit ( not fall\nout spontaneously) but slide smoothly\nwithin the insertion tube and should not\ntrap the thread.\nThe movable flange ( depth -gauge) should\nbe of blue colour and should be easily\nadjestable ( not too tight)\nThe IUD should be stable under nomal\nroom temperature (30C-35C) and humidity\n(75% 100%) prevaling in Sri Lanka.\nThe IUD pack should not be easily\ndamaged by heat, sunlight, water,\nmoisture, mechanical shocks and insects.\nThe expiry date should not be less than 7\nyears from the date of manufacture. etc . in Pharmaceuticals. The tender was released on Feb 27, 2025.

Country - Sri Lanka

Summary - Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Each sterile pack should contain a\n"T"shaped Copper IUD with\nthreads'insertion tube, a movable flange\nand plunger ( insertion rod)\nThe dimensions and requirements for the\nfinished product should conform to the\nspecifications of The Population Council,\nNew York or comply with ISO 7439:2002\nor current version.\nThe IUD should be manufactured from\napproved raw material of US/European\norigin.\nThe "T" Shaped plastic frame should have\napproximately 176 mg copper wire on its\nvertical arm. In addition ,a copper sleeve\ncontaining apprximately 66.5 mg\ncopper should be on each horizontal\narm.Total surface area of Copper on the\ndevice should be 380mm2\nThe thread should be made of good quality\nmaterial. The thread knot at the\nbottom end of the IUD should be secure\nand not promote breakage under normal\nuse.\nThe insertion rod should snugly fit ( not fall\nout spontaneously) but slide smoothly\nwithin the insertion tube and should not\ntrap the thread.\nThe movable flange ( depth -gauge) should\nbe of blue colour and should be easily\nadjestable ( not too tight)\nThe IUD should be stable under nomal\nroom temperature (30C-35C) and humidity\n(75% 100%) prevaling in Sri Lanka.\nThe IUD pack should not be easily\ndamaged by heat, sunlight, water,\nmoisture, mechanical shocks and insects.\nThe expiry date should not be less than 7\nyears from the date of manufacture. etc .

Deadline - Apr 11, 2025

GT reference number - 104071360

Product classification - Pharmaceutical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Sri Lanka

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104071360

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Each sterile pack should contain a\n"T"shaped Copper IUD with\nthreads'insertion tube, a movable flange\nand plunger ( insertion rod)\nThe dimensions and requirements for the\nfinish ed product should conform to the\nspecifications of The Population Council,\nNew York or comply with ISO 7439:2002\nor current version.\nThe IUD should be manufactured from\napproved raw material of US/European\norigin.\nThe "T" Shaped plastic frame should have\napproximately 176 mg copper wire on its\nvertical arm. In addition ,a copper sleeve\ncontaining apprximately 66.5 mg\ncopper should be on each horizontal\narm.Total surface area of Copper

Gt Ref Id - 104071360

Deadline - Apr 11, 2025

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