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Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Absorbent Cotton (Cotton Wool) 500g Roll\nAbsorbent Cotton SLS 285:1998 (1st\nrevision)\nPacking specifications:\n500g Absorbent Cotton should be packed\nin brown paper wrapped again in blue\ncolour paper.\nLabelling should comply with BP (98) The\nlabel also should disclose the nett weight.\nSuch packets of 500g should be in packs\n(not more than 100 packets per pack) and\nthe packs should be wrapped in water proof\nthick paper and polythene film (or at least\n400 SWG) and finally packed in sea-worthy\ncorrugated boxes.\nNote:\nShelf life of the product should be\nminimum of 24 months.\nMarks:\n1.Name of manufacturer, Item\ndescription, Batch Nos. Name and address\nof manufacturer,Date of manufacture and\nDate of expiry & State Mark should be\nstencilled on individual (inner) pack.\n2.In addition to marks specified under 1\nMSD Order No and SPC Indent No.should\nbe stencilled on the outer pack. etc .

STATE PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION OF SRI LANKA Sri Lanka has Released a tender for Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Absorbent Cotton (Cotton Wool) 500g Roll\nAbsorbent Cotton SLS 285:1998 (1st\nrevision)\nPacking specifications:\n500g Absorbent Cotton should be packed\nin brown paper wrapped again in blue\ncolour paper.\nLabelling should comply with BP (98) The\nlabel also should disclose the nett weight.\nSuch packets of 500g should be in packs\n(not more than 100 packets per pack) and\nthe packs should be wrapped in water proof\nthick paper and polythene film (or at least\n400 SWG) and finally packed in sea-worthy\ncorrugated boxes.\nNote:\nShelf life of the product should be\nminimum of 24 months.\nMarks:\n1.Name of manufacturer, Item\ndescription, Batch Nos. Name and address\nof manufacturer,Date of manufacture and\nDate of expiry & State Mark should be\nstencilled on individual (inner) pack.\n2.In addition to marks specified under 1\nMSD Order No and SPC Indent No.should\nbe stencilled on the outer pack. etc . in Pharmaceuticals. The tender was released on Dec 03, 2024.

Country - Sri Lanka

Summary - Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Absorbent Cotton (Cotton Wool) 500g Roll\nAbsorbent Cotton SLS 285:1998 (1st\nrevision)\nPacking specifications:\n500g Absorbent Cotton should be packed\nin brown paper wrapped again in blue\ncolour paper.\nLabelling should comply with BP (98) The\nlabel also should disclose the nett weight.\nSuch packets of 500g should be in packs\n(not more than 100 packets per pack) and\nthe packs should be wrapped in water proof\nthick paper and polythene film (or at least\n400 SWG) and finally packed in sea-worthy\ncorrugated boxes.\nNote:\nShelf life of the product should be\nminimum of 24 months.\nMarks:\n1.Name of manufacturer, Item\ndescription, Batch Nos. Name and address\nof manufacturer,Date of manufacture and\nDate of expiry & State Mark should be\nstencilled on individual (inner) pack.\n2.In addition to marks specified under 1\nMSD Order No and SPC Indent No.should\nbe stencilled on the outer pack. etc .

Deadline - Jan 07, 2025

GT reference number - 98920467

Product classification - Pharmaceutical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Sri Lanka

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98920467

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Supply of Medicine and Medical / Surgical equipments : Absorbent Cotton (Cotton Wool) 500g Roll\nAbsorbent Cotton SLS 285:1998 (1st\nrevision)\nPacking specifications:\n500g Absorbent Cotton should be packed\nin brown paper wrapped again in blue\ncolour paper.\nLabelling should comply with BP (98) The\nlabel also should disclose the nett weight.\nSuch packets of 500g should be in packs\n(not more than 100 packets per pack) and\nthe packs should be wrapped in water proof\nthick paper and polythene film (or at least\n400 SWG) and finally packed in sea-worthy\ncorrugated boxes.\nNote:\nShelf life of the product should be\nminimum of 24 months.\nMarks:\n1.Name of manufacturer, Item\

Gt Ref Id - 98920467

Deadline - Jan 07, 2025

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