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Country - Colombia
Summary - Supply Of Mid-Range Laptops, Wireless Mouse, Electronic Kits, 55" Tv And Stand, Robotics And Logic Books, Microbits And Keyestudio Smart Home Starter Kit For Microbit
Deadline - Jan 04, 2025
GT reference number - 100315019
Product classification - Tablet computer
Address - Colombia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 100315019
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Supply of mid-range laptops, wireless mice, electronic kits, 55" TV and stand, robotics and logic books, microbits and keyestudio smart home starter kit for microbit, HDMI cables, voltage regulators, power extensions and safety wires. Pr oject "Improving scientific skills and vocations, and comprehensive education in boys, girls and young people from public educational establishments in non-certified municipalities of Antioquia".local title:: Suministro de computadores portátiles gama media, mouse inalámbricos, kits electrónicos, TV 55" y soporte, libros book de robótica y lógica, microbits y keyestudio smart home starter kit para microbitContract Duration: : 3Díaslocal des
Gt Ref Id - 100315019
Deadline - Jan 04, 2025
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