Organization Name: | MEGHALAYA POLICE |
Country: | India |
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Address: | Shillong, Meghalaya , |
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Notice Details: | |
Notice Type | Tender Notice |
Bidding Type | Other |
Notice No. | 64176018 |
Deadline | 2023-04-21 |
Description | OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT 1st BATTALION MEGHALAYA POLICE :: MAWIONG :: SHILLONG. TENDER NOTICE 1) . The Commandant, l8t Battalion Meghalaya Police, Mawiong, Shillong invites Tender Notice affixing non refundable Court Fee Stamp for supply of Motor Vehicles Spare Parts for item mentioned in Annexure “A” for the Financial Year 2023 - 24. 2) . Scaled Tenders will be received up to 1200 hrs. of 21/04/2023 and will be opened on the same day Tenderers, or their authorised representatives, are invited to be present at the time of opening of tenders. Tenders received after the date and time by hand or by post, will be summarily rejected. 3) . Tender must be accompanied by :- (i) Earnest Money of Rs. 10,000/- ( Rupees ten thousand ) only in case of Non-Tribals, and Rs.5,000/- ( Rupees five thousand ) only in case of Tribals either by (a) Crossed Bank draft (b) Call Deposit Payable to the Commandant, 1st Battalion Meghalaya Police, Mawiong, Shillong at any National Bank based in Shillong. (ii) All relevant Documents/Certificate pertaining to GST Rules Viz. (a) GST Registration Certificate. (b) GST rate of the items quoted along with 4 digits HSN (Harmonized system of Nomenclature) code. (c) GST Clearance by the tender must be adhered to. (d) Any other documents relevant to GST from serial no. (a), (b) and (c). (iii) Attested copy of valid and current Professional Tax. (iv) Attested copy of valid and current District Council’s Trading Licence for Non-Tribal Tenderers. (v) Attested recent Photograph of the Tenders. (vi) Dealers/Firms having retails spare parts outlets / shop may apply. 4) . RATE (a) Should be exclusive of all Taxes to be deducted at source. (b) Should be valid for a period of 1 (one) Calendar year. (c) Should be quoted separately for each item. (d) Should be written clearly. Any alterations or over writing must be fully signed by the Tenderer. 5) . CONDITIONS i) The Brand should be mentioned. ii) The Model should be mentioned. iii) Guarantee period should be mentioned. 6) . Tender should be addressed to the undersigned by designation and not by name. Sealed envelope containing the tender should be superscripted as, “Tender for supply of Motor Vehicle Spare Parts”. These must be sent by registered cover or hand delivered. 7) . The Earnest money of the unsuccessful Tenderers will be released only after finalisation of the contract with the successful Tenderers. 8) . Successful Tenderers will sign a Contract Agreement within the time to be intimated with the undersigned. If any successful tenderer refuses to sign the Contract Agreement within the stipulated time, the Earnest Money of such tenderer will be forfeited to Government and he / she will be debarred from tendering any supply to this Department for a period of 2 (two) years. 9) . Once the rates offered in the tenders are accepted, no enhancement of rates will be allowed under any circumstances and the Tenderers will be liable to supply at the rates accepted by the Commandant, 1st Battalion Meghalaya Police, Mawiong, Shillong. Failure to supply at the accepted rates will entail the offer being cancelled and the Earnest Money forfeited to Government of Meghalaya. 10) . In the event of rejection, failing declining neglecting or delaying to comply with any demands or requisition, the Commandant, 1st Battalion Meghalaya Police, Mawiong, Shillong will be at liberty to order purchase of such items at the expenses of the supplier. 11) . The Commandant, 1st Battalion Meghalaya Police, Mawiong, Shillong may rescind forthwith the contract in writing if. (a) A contractor assigns or sub-lets any contract without his approval in respect of the contract or any other contract entered into with the undersigned. (b) A contractor or his agent or servants is guilty of fraud in respect of this contract of any other contract. (c) A supplier declines, neglects or delays to comply with the demand or requisition or in any other way to perform or observed any condition of the contract. In case of such rescission, the Earnest Money in part or full at the discretion of the Commandant, 1st Battalion Meghalaya Police, Mawiong, Shillong shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of the Government. 12) . If the Supplier / Firm willfully neglects, fails to perform or observe any condition of contract, or attempts to cheat or indulge in foul practices, the Commandant, 1st Battalion Meghalaya Police, Mawiong, Shillong may impose a ban upon such Supplier I Firm for future business with the office. 13) . The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof and does not bind himself to accept the Lowest Rate(s). 14) . The undersigned will reject the Tenderers if they fail to submit the Quotation as per format prepared by the office. 15) . The soft/hard copy of the list of all the MV parts will be available in the O/o the undersigned (MT Branch), and all the Tenderers are directed to collect the same. The Spare parts will be required for the following type of vehicles l.XUV 500 2. KUV 3. TATA SAFARI 4. GYPSY KING 5. BOLERO ZLX 6. BOLERO GLX 7. BOLERO PIGEOT 8. BOLERO CAMPER 9. BOLERO INVADER 10. SWIFT DESIRE 11. HYUNDAI VERNA 12. HYUNDAI XCENT 13. PULSAR 180CC 14. PULSAR 150CC 15. PULSAR 220CC 16. TVS STAR CITY BIKE 17. YAMAHA ZR 125 SCOOTY 18. BAJAJ DISCOVER 19. HERO HONDA SPLENDER 20. YAMAHA GLADIATOR 21. YAMAHA RX-135 22. TATA407BSIII 23. TATA 407 4x4 24. TATA 407 BS1V 25. TATA 1510 26. SWARAJ MAZDA 27. TATA 1212 28. TATA 709 |
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