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Country - North Macedonia
Summary - Supply Of Services - Maintenance And Servicing Of Equipment: 1. Printers And Photocopiers, 2. Aggregate, 3. Cleaning Boilers And Chimneys, 4. And Maintaining Boilers, Chimneys And Hot Water Installation
Deadline - Mar 07, 2025
GT reference number - 103621242
Product classification - Repair and maintenance services
Address - North Macedonia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103621242
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Supply Of Services - Maintenance And Servicing Of Equipment: 1. Printers And Photocopiers, 2. Aggregate, 3. Cleaning Boilers And Chimneys, 4. And Maintaining Boilers, Chimneys And Hot Water Installationlocal title:: Набавка на услуги - Одржување и сервисирање на опрема и тоа: 1.Принтери и фотокопири, 2. Агрегат, 3. Чистење на котлови и оџаци, 4. Пластични и алумински прозори и врати, 5. Сервисирање на машини во перална и 6. Сервисирање и одржување на котлови, оџаци и топловодна
Gt Ref Id - 103621242
Deadline - Mar 07, 2025
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