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Country - Colombia
Summary - Supply Of Stationery, Desk And Office Supplies
Deadline - Feb 04, 2025
GT reference number - 101946135
Product classification - Binders
Address - Colombia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 101946135
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: SUPPLY OF STATIONERY, DESK AND OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR THE LOGISTICS AGENCY OF THE CARIBBEAN REGIONAL MILITARY FORCESlocal title:: SUMINISTRO DE ELEMENTO DE PAPELERIA, UTILES DE ESCRITORIO Y OFICINAContract Duration: : 3Díaslocal descriptio n: : SUMINISTRO DE ELEMENTO DE PAPELERIA, UTILES DE ESCRITORIO Y OFICINA CON DESTINO A LA AGENCIA LOGISTICA DE LAS FUERZAS MILITARES REGIONAL CARIBE tender_contract_end_date: 2025-04-30 12:00:00 category: Carpetas lot_details: 1: Carpeta tipo 4 aletas en cartulina desacidificada, 2: Bolígrafo desechable tinta negra, 3: Cinta adhesiva ancha transparente 48 mm x 100 mts rollo, 4: Resma 75 Grs Carta, 5: Grapadora (cosedora) Plástica, 6: Pilas alca
Gt Ref Id - 101946135
Deadline - Feb 04, 2025
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