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Country - Romania
Summary - "Supply Of Teaching Materials And Equipment For Science Laboratories, School Cabinets For Educational Units In Dej Municipality"
Deadline - Jan 27, 2025
GT reference number - 99943987
Product classification - Teaching equipment
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99943987
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Within the framework of this procedure, teaching materials and equipment for school laboratories will be purchased for the educational units in the municipality of Dej, namely the Piticot Extended Daycare Center, the Paradisul Piticilor Kindergarten, the Gymnasium School No. 1, the Avram Ianu Dej School, the Mihai Eminescu Gymnasium School, the Al Papiu Ilarian Dej Theoretical High School, the C Brâncuș Technological High School, the Andrei Mureșan National College and the Someș Technological High School.The technical characteristics of the equipment to be supplied are provided in the technical sheets.The number of days until which clarifications can be requested before the
Gt Ref Id - 99943987
Deadline - Jan 27, 2025
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