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Supply Of Technical Aid Equipment For The Son Güells, Son Llebre And Sa Serra Residences, Divided Into Three Lots: Lot 1: Supply Of Three Standing Cranes And One Lifting Crane. Lot 2: Supply Of A Multi-Purpose Hygiene Chair. Lot 3: Supply Of Four Shower Stretchers.

Fundacion de Atencion y Apoyo a la Dependencia y de Promocion de la Autonomia Personal de las Illes Balears Spain has Released a tender for Supply Of Technical Aid Equipment For The Son Güells, Son Llebre And Sa Serra Residences, Divided Into Three Lots: Lot 1: Supply Of Three Standing Cranes And One Lifting Crane. Lot 2: Supply Of A Multi-Purpose Hygiene Chair. Lot 3: Supply Of Four Shower Stretchers. in Healthcare Equipment and Services. The tender was released on Dec 20, 2024.

Country - Spain

Summary - Supply Of Technical Aid Equipment For The Son Güells, Son Llebre And Sa Serra Residences, Divided Into Three Lots: Lot 1: Supply Of Three Standing Cranes And One Lifting Crane. Lot 2: Supply Of A Multi-Purpose Hygiene Chair. Lot 3: Supply Of Four Shower Stretchers.

Deadline - Jan 10, 2025

GT reference number - 100222116

Product classification - Medical aids

Organization Details:

  Address - Spain

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 100222116

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Supply of technical aid equipment for the Son Güells, Son Llebre and Sa Serra residences, divided into three lots: Lot 1: Supply of three standing cranes and one lifting crane. Lot 2: Supply of a multi-purpose hygiene chair. Lot 3: Supp ly of four shower stretchers.local title:: Suministro de equipamiento de ayudas técnicas para las residencias Son Güells, Son Llebre y Sa Serra, dividido en tres lotes: Lote 1: Suministro de tres grúas de bipedestación y una grúa de elevación. Lote 2: Suministro de una silla para higiene multiusos. Lote 3: suministro de cuatro camillas de ducha.Contract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Suministro de equipamiento de ayudas técnicas para l

Gt Ref Id - 100222116

Deadline - Jan 10, 2025

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