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Supply of toiletries and cleaning detergents (multi purpose, disinfectant, hand wash, etc)

Securex Kenya has Released a tender for Supply of toiletries and cleaning detergents (multi purpose, disinfectant, hand wash, etc) in Chemicals. The tender was released on Feb 10, 2023.

Country - Kenya

Summary - Supply of toiletries and cleaning detergents (multi purpose, disinfectant, hand wash, etc)

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 61629669

Product classification - Detergents

Organization Details:

  Address - Kenya

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 61629669

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Buyer: SecurexSubject :Supply of toiletries and cleaning detergents (multi purpose, disinfectant, hand wash, etc)Closing date : 8th March, 2023 at 10pm EATSUPPLIER PREQUALIFICATION NOTICE 2023-2025Securex is the leading regional security provider for technology-driven security solutions across East Africa. SecurexAgencies Limited invites applications from interested, competent and eligible firms for pre-qualification for the underlisted categories of goods, services and works for the period 2023 -2025.All existing suppliers are required to participate alongside prospective suppliers in order to be evaluated and consideredThe supplier prequalification exercise will be conducted online via:Ten

Gt Ref Id - 61629669

Deadline - Mar 08, 2023

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