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THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Established Kalamassery, Kochi, Kerala, Pin E-mail:, NIT No: NUALS/ADMN/ENGG/A4/2387/NIT The National University of Advanced Legal Studies, 683503, HMT Colony P.O, Kochi invites sealedcompetitive item rate Tender for the work of Pressure sand filter, Air Blower for Smooth licensed contractors. Sl No Name of the Work 1 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) 2 Cost of Tender document (non 3 Period of completion 4 Tender documents 5 Last date and time of Receipt of Tender 6 Date and Time of Opening of Tender 7 Liability Period 1. The Tender should be accompanied by a Demand Draft in a separate cover towards earnestmoney deposit (EMD) Registrar, National University 2. The envelope containing Installation, Testing and Commissi functioning of STP Operation in NUALS Campus Registrar, NUALS, Kalamassery, 3. Tender forms not accompanied by preliminary agreement and and signed will be summarily 4. The Copies of license and PAN/TIN and GST details should be also submitted along withthe Tender. UNIVERSITY OF ADVANCED LEGAL STUDIES by Act 27 of 2005 of the Kerala Legislature) Kalamassery, Kochi, Kerala, Pin – 683 503 Ph: 0484-2555990, Tele-Fax:, Web: TENDER NOTICE 2387/NIT-1/2024-25, Dated: The National University of Advanced Legal Studies, 683503, HMT Colony P.O, Kochi invites sealedfor the work of “Supplying , Installation, Testing and Commissi Air Blower for Smooth functioning of STP Operation in NUALS Campus Supplying , Installation, Testing and Commissi of Pressure sand filter, Air Blower for Smooth functioning of STP Operation in NUALS Campus(EMD) Rs. 5,000/- Cost of Tender document (non-refundable) Rs. 590/- (Including GST) 45 Days Can be downloaded from university of sealed 3.00 P.M on 29.04.2024 2.00 P.M on 30.04.2024 12 Months The Tender should be accompanied by a Demand Draft in a separate cover towards earnest(EMD) and towards cost of Tender document drawn University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS) payable containing the Tender should bear the superscriptionTesting and Commissioning of Pressure sand filter, Air Blower for smooth functioning of STP Operation in NUALS Campus” and should be addressedKalamassery, Kochi – 683503. Tender forms not accompanied by preliminary agreement and general conditions duly filedsummarily rejected. The Copies of license and PAN/TIN and GST details should be also submitted along with STUDIES2555992Dated: 15.04.2024 The National University of Advanced Legal Studies, 683503, HMT Colony P.O, Kochi invites sealedSupplying , Installation, Testing and Commissioning of functioning of STP Operation in NUALS Campus ” from the Supplying , Installation, Testing and Commissioning Air Blower for Smooth functioning of STP Operation in NUALS CampuswebsiteThe Tender should be accompanied by a Demand Draft in a separate cover towards earnestin favor of the payable at Ernakulam. superscription“Supplying, Air Blower for smooth addressed to the general conditions duly filedThe Copies of license and PAN/TIN and GST details should be also submitted along with Sd/- REGISTRAR DECLARATION I ……………………………………………….……………………do hereby distinctly and expressly declare and acknowledge that I have read Notice Inviting Tender and Tender Documents uploaded along with this Tender and I do hereby admit that the conditions stipulated in the Tender Documents are binding on me and I shall abide by the terms and conditions as stipulated therein in respect of the work. I also do hereby declare that, I have read the general conditions and that I am familiar with various clauses contained in it and I am familiar with various guidelines for execution of works, measurement and rates. I am enclosing duly signed preliminary agreement Signature: Name of Bidder: Address: License No.: Phone. No/ Mobile No.: Place: Date: PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT Article of agreement executed on this the ……… day of …………………………………………………………………………… between National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS) (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) of the one part and Shri.…………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Name and address of the contractor) (Here in after referred to as “the bounden”) of the other part. WHEREAS in response to the Notification No . dated …………………. the bounden has submitted to the University a Tender for the ………………………specification therein subject to the terms and conditions contained in the said Tender; WHEREAS the bounden has also deposited with the University a sum of `. as earnest money for execution of an agreement undertaking the due fulfilment of the contract in case his Tender is accepted by the University. NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS and it is hereby mutually agreed as follows: 1. In case the Tender submitted by the bounden is accepted by the University and the contract for ………………………… is awarded to the bounden, the bounden shall within …………….days of acceptance of his Tender execute an agreement with the University incorporating all the terms and conditions under which the University accepts his Tender. 2. In case the bounden fails to execute the agreement as aforesaid incorporating the terms and conditions governing the contract, the University shall have power and authority to recover from the bounden any loss or damage caused to the University by such breach as may be determined by the University by appropriating the earnest money deposited by the bounden. 3. General conditions (Annexure I) will form part of this agreement In witness whereof Shri . (Name and designation) for and on |