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notice_title: Suprapur Nitric Acid, 1 Lt. , 1. Assay 65% . Ar/Acs Grademerck/Sd Fine/Sigma Aldrich Or Equivalent. , Silver Nitrate,25 G, Ar Grade, Assay: 99.9. Colour Lesss , 100Ppm Preciousmetal Icp Standard, 12, 125Ml Ccs-2 Inorganic Venture Thiscertified Reference Mater , Rare Earth, Uranium Thorium Icpstandard 125Ml (10Mg/L) Cms-1 Inorganic Venture Thiscertified Ref , Rhodium Icp Standard 100Ml (100Mg/L)Traceable To Srm From Nist Rh(No3) 3 In Hno3 2-3%Application: I , Indium Icp Standard100Ml (100Mg/L)Traceable To Srm From Nist In(No3) 3 In Hno3 2-3%Application Icp , Litharge Or Pbo, 250 Gm. 1. Ar/Acs Grademinimum Assay 99% , , Gold Icp Standard, 1000 M/L (1000Ppm) , 100 Ml Traceable To Srm From Nist H(Aucl4) In2Mol/L Hcl. , Icp-Ms Multi Element Standard Solution Iv 1000M/L (1000 Ppm) , 100 Ml (23 Elements In Dilute Nitric ,Nickel Powder, (Purity 99.995% ) . Trace Metal Basis. Acrosorganics/Sigma Aldrich, 500G. Quantity: 69 local title:: Suprapur Nitric acid, 1 Lt. , 1. Assay 65% . AR/ACS gradeMerck/SD fine/sigma Aldrich or equivalent. , Silver nitrate,25 g, AR grade, Assay: 99.9. colour lesss , 100ppm PreciousMetal ICP Standard, 12, 125ml CCS-2 Inorganic Venture Thiscertified reference mater , Rare Earth, Uranium Thorium ICPStandard 125mL (10mg/L) CMS-1 Inorganic Venture Thiscertified ref , Rhodium ICP Standard 100mL (100mg/L)Traceable to SRM from NIST Rh(NO3) 3 in HNO3 2-3%Application: I , Indium ICP Standard100mL (100mg/L)Traceable to SRM from NIST In(NO3) 3 in HNO3 2-3%Application ICP , Litharge or PbO, 250 gm. 1. AR/ACS gradeMinimum assay 99% , , Gold ICP standard, 1000 m/l (1000ppm) , 100 mL Traceable to SRM from NIST H(AuCl4) in2mol/l HCl. , ICP-MS Multi Element Standard solution IV 1000m/l (1000 ppm) , 100 mL (23 elements in dilute nitric ,Nickel powder, (purity 99.995% ) . Trace metal basis. ACROSOrganics/Sigma Aldrich, 500g. Quantity: 69 tender_quantity: 69