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Country - Estonia
Summary - Surveys Of Fish Stocks In Lake Peipsi, Lämmi And Pihkva 2025-2026 (Ministry Of Regional And Agricultural Affairs)
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 95059680
Product classification - Research services
Address - Estonia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 95059680
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Assessment of the status of the stock of bream, perch, bream, pike, bream, bream, bream, pike and roach in 2025-2026 and the factors affecting the status, and to make recommendations for the management of the stock of the aforementioned fish speciesnotice_title: Surveys Of Fish Stocks In Lake Peipsi, Lämmi And Pihkva 2025-2026 (Ministry Of Regional And Agricultural Affairs)local description: : Hinnangu andmine koha, ahvena, latika, haugi, peipsi siia, rääbise, peipsi tindi, lutsu ja särje varu seisundile 2025–2026 aastal ja seisundit mõjutavatele teguritele ning anda soovitused eelnimetatud kalaliikide varu haldamisekslocal title:: Kalavarude uuringud Peipsi, Lämmi- ja P
Gt Ref Id - 95059680
Deadline - Nov 07, 2024
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