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Taking Out Insurance Policies For Fire, Theft And/Or Assault, Electronic Equipment, Machinery Breakdown, Civil Liability, Aircraft Hull, Vehicles, Equipment And Machinery, Life And Fidelity Period 2025-2026

GOBIERNO AUTONOMO DESCENTRALIZADO DE LA PROVINCIA BOLIVAR Ecuador has Released a tender for Taking Out Insurance Policies For Fire, Theft And/Or Assault, Electronic Equipment, Machinery Breakdown, Civil Liability, Aircraft Hull, Vehicles, Equipment And Machinery, Life And Fidelity Period 2025-2026 in Services. The tender was released on Nov 28, 2024.

Country - Ecuador

Summary - Taking Out Insurance Policies For Fire, Theft And/Or Assault, Electronic Equipment, Machinery Breakdown, Civil Liability, Aircraft Hull, Vehicles, Equipment And Machinery, Life And Fidelity Period 2025-2026

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 98616550

Product classification - Repair and maintenance services

Organization Details:

  Address - Ecuador

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98616550

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: INSURANCElocal title:: Contratación de las pólizas de seguros de incendio, robo y/o asalto, equipo electrónico, rotura de maquinaria, responsabilidad civil, casco aéreo, vehículos, equipo y maquinaria, vida y fidelidad periodo 2025- 2026Contract Duration: : 90 díaslocal description: : SEGUROSNet Budget LC: : 298169.25 est_amount: 298169.25 lot_details: 1: SERVICIOS DE CONCERTACION DE POLIZAS DE SEGURO QUE CUBRAN RIESGOS DE DANOS O PERDIDA DE BIENES, EXCLUIDOS LOS QUE ESTEN ABARCADOS EN LAS SUBCLASES 71331 (SERVICIOS DE SEGURO DE VEHICULOS DE MOTOR), 71332 (SERVICIOS DE SEGURO DE TRANSPORTE MARITIMO, AEREOESTABLECIDIDAS EN LAS ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS

Gt Ref Id - 98616550

Deadline - Dec 12, 2024

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