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Country - Italy
Summary - Tender 1977 Framework Agreement With A Single Economic Operator For Each Lot, Of The Maintenance Service Of Green Areas Of Public Residential Buildings, Divided Into 2 Lots
Deadline - Jan 22, 2025
GT reference number - 99893744
Product classification - Tree pruning and hedge trimming
Address - Italy
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99893744
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Tender 1977 Framework agreement with a single economic operator for each lot, of the maintenance service of green areas of public residential buildings, divided into 2 lotslocal title:: Appalto 1977 Accordo quadro con un unico operatore economico per ciascun lotto, del servizio manutenzione aree verdi immobili edilizia residenziale pubblica, suddivisi in 2 lottiContract Duration: : 36.0 MONTHContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : Appalto 1977 Accordo quadro con un unico operatore economico per ciascun lotto, del servizio manutenzione aree verdi immobili edilizia residenziale pubblica, suddivisi in 2 lottiNet Budget Euro: : 1260000.0Net Budget LC: : 1260000.0 dispatch_date:
Gt Ref Id - 99893744
Deadline - Jan 22, 2025
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