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Country - Spain
Summary - The Contract To Be Carried Out, Aims To Hire The Service For The Revitalization Of The Espai Jove Lo Graner, Located In The Building Of The Maset Espai Jove De La Ràpita, In Order To Develop An Educational Leisure Project, With The Programming And Development Of Different Leisure And Educational Activities Aimed At Adolescents And Young People Of The Population, In The Terms That Are Collected In The Specifications Of Technical Prescriptions, In Terms Of Methodology To Carry Out And With Workshops, Meetings And Others. Activities.
Deadline - Feb 10, 2026
GT reference number - 103054411
Product classification - Civic betterment and community facility support services
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103054411
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The contract to be carried out, aims to hire the service for the revitalization of the Espai Jove Lo Graner, located in the building of the Maset Espai Jove de la Ràpita, in order to develop an educational leisure project, With the prog ramming and development of different leisure and educational activities aimed at adolescents and young people of the population, in the terms that are collected in the specifications of technical prescriptions, in terms of methodology to carry out and with workshops, meetings and others. Activities.local title:: El contracte que es pretén portar a terme, té per objecte la contractació del servei per la dinamització de l’espai jove Lo Graner
Gt Ref Id - 103054411
Deadline - Feb 10, 2026
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