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The CONTRACTOR undertakes with the UdeA to deliver the technological infrastructure that includes a cloud server to host the Dataverse software and storage space for the management and preservation of data and the respective backup. In addition to these technological aspects, it is also necessary to provide technical support, documentation and training in the use of the tool.

Universidad de Antioquia Colombia has Released a tender for The CONTRACTOR undertakes with the UdeA to deliver the technological infrastructure that includes a cloud server to host the Dataverse software and storage space for the management and preservation of data and the respective backup. In addition to these technological aspects, it is also necessary to provide technical support, documentation and training in the use of the tool. in Telecommunications. The tender was released on May 28, 2024.

Country - Colombia

Summary - The CONTRACTOR undertakes with the UdeA to deliver the technological infrastructure that includes a cloud server to host the Dataverse software and storage space for the management and preservation of data and the respective backup. In addition to these technological aspects, it is also necessary to provide technical support, documentation and training in the use of the tool.

Deadline - May 17, 2025

GT reference number - 82266291

Product classification - Communications infrastructure

Organization Details:

  Address - Colombia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 82266291

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The CONTRACTOR undertakes with the UdeA to deliver the technological infrastructure that includes a cloud server to host the Dataverse software and storage space for the management and preservation of data and the respective backup. In a ddition to these technological aspects, it is also necessary to provide technical support, documentation and training in the use of the tool.local title:: La CONTRATISTA se obliga con la UdeA a entregar la infraestructura tecnológica que incluya, un servidor en la nube para alojar el software Dataverse y espacio de almacenamiento para la gestión y preservación de los datos y el respectivo respaldo. Además de estos aspectos tecnológicos, tamb

Gt Ref Id - 82266291

Deadline - May 17, 2025

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