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Country - Spain
Summary - The Object Of The Contract Is The Supply Of A Mini Loader Machine To The Municipality Of Santa Maria D'Oló, With The Following Accessories: - Sweeper With Open Frame Of 150 Cm. - Side Brush With Water For Road Cleaning. - 157 Cm Industrial Spoon.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97601410
Product classification - Mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders, and mining machinery
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97601410
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The object of the contract is the supply of a mini loader machine to the municipality of Santa Maria d'Oló, with the following accessories: - Sweeper with open frame of 150 cm. - Side brush with water for road cleaning. - 157 cm industr ial spoon.local title:: L’objecte del contracte és el subministrament d’una màquina mini-carregadora al municipi de Santa Maria d’Oló, amb els següents accessoris: - Escombradora amb bastidor obert de 150 cm. - Raspall lateral amb aigua per neteja viaria. - Cullera industrial de 157 cm.Contract Type: : Supplylocal description: : L’objecte del contracte és el subministrament d’una màquina mini-carregadora al municipi de Santa Maria
Gt Ref Id - 97601410
Deadline - Nov 28, 2024
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