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Country - United Kingdom
Summary - The Provision Of Legionella Risk Assessments, Water Hygiene Monitoring And Remedial Works
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 95875001
Product classification - Repair and maintenance services
Address - United Kingdom
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 95875001
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The Council is seeking a qualified contractor is to undertake risk assessing and development of a maintenance plan for monitoring, temperature checking, sampling, chlorination and cleaning of water systems including certain remedial work s located within the Employer's properties to meet the Employer's legionella control obligations as a landlord.The quantity of work issued in any year or overall, for the duration of the contract may change and no guarantee of workload can be given to the Contractor.local title:: The Provision of Legionella Risk Assessments, Water Hygiene Monitoring and Remedial Workslocal description: : The Council is seeking a qualified contractor is to underta
Gt Ref Id - 95875001
Deadline - Nov 18, 2024
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