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Country - Tajikistan
Summary - The Purchase Of Household, Electric, Plumbing, Stationery And Food Products Haridi Molkhoi Chochagi, Barca, Plumbing, Kanslari Wa Madvoi Khuroka
Deadline - Mar 21, 2025
GT reference number - 104179608
Product classification - Woven fabrics
Address - Tajikistan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104179608
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: The Purchase Of Household, Electric, Plumbing, Stationery And Food ProductsHaridi Molkhoi Chochagi, Barca, Plumbing, Kanslari Wa Madvoi Khurokalocal title:: Закупка хозяйственных, электрических, сант ехнических, канцелярских товаров и продуктов питанияХариди молхои хочаги, барки, сантехники, канселяри ва маводхои хурокаContract Type: : Supply lot_details: 1: Fabric is a stump, 2: Banner with national and ancient patterns, 3: Pasta, 4: Tail, 5: White cabbage, 6: Gold oil, 7: Lemon, 8: Wheat, 9: The minced meat is beef, 10: Bulgarian pepper (
Gt Ref Id - 104179608
Deadline - Mar 21, 2025
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